Hemorrhoids are a painful and troubling ailment for a large number of adults — by the age of 50, about half of American adults have experienced symptoms related to hemorrhoids.
Although hemorrhoids are usually not exceptionally dangerous, they are certainly uncomfortable and can cause a great deal of pain and irritation to the person who suffers from hemorrhoids.
For someone who is experiencing symptoms from hemorrhoids, the most basic daily acts, even sitting and standing, can be painful and difficult. The duration of hemorrhoids varies from individual to individual depending on the circumstances and conditions involved in each person’s case.
Luckily, there are a variety of ways to find relief from hemorrhoid pain. So if you are one of the many Americans who is suffering from hemorrhoids, then don’t despair. Read on to learn a little more about this condition and what you can do to feel better.
What Exactly Are Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are a condition that develops whenever the veins around the anus and rectum become swollen and irritated.
There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. As the names imply, internal hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that develop inside the lower anus, while external hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that develop on the outside skin around the rectum.
Though both types of hemorrhoids are problematic and potentially harmful, it is external hemorrhoids that generally cause the most pain to someone experiencing hemorrhoids.
It is not known for sure precisely what causes hemorrhoids, but there a few things that most experts agree may play a role in causing them, such as chronic constipation or straining during bowel movements.
Pregnant women may also be at greater risk for developing hemorrhoids, due to the pressure placed on their veins from their growing uterus.
How Long Do Hemorrhoids Last?
This question is difficult to answer with just one cut-and-dry answer, as it depends on what kind of hemorrhoids you are suffering from, as well as the size and severity of your hemorrhoid condition.
Smaller, less severe hemorrhoids will go away faster, while larger hemorrhoids may take longer to heal. The pain and severity of hemorrhoids may be exacerbated whenever dealing with repetitive cases of hemorrhoids — i.e., hemorrhoids can get worse with each case, and may take longer to heal each time.
In general, complete healing can take anywhere from one or two weeks up to two months, but on average, hemorrhoids will usually cause pain and discomfort for about two weeks. Sometimes, however, hemorrhoids will go away within a matter of just a few days.
If you are suffering from hemorrhoids, especially if the condition is not improving after a couple weeks, then you should definitely speak with your doctor about your best treatment options.
Although ultimately, the final treatment for hemorrhoids should be decided only with the advice of your personal doctor, there are a few different things that you can look into on your own if you are looking for some fast hemorrhoid relief — including over-the-counter pain meds, topical pain relief treatments, warm baths, better diet, or specialized cushions to help relieve hemorrhoid pain.
Finding Relief from Hemorrhoids
There are a number of treatments you can try at home to help ease the pain caused by hemorrhoids. Something that can be incredibly helpful if you are looking for fast relief for hemorrhoids is actually a hemorrhoid pillow.
Hemorrhoid pillows can come in two styles, the most common of which is the donut pillow (also known as a donut cushion) — a round pillow with a hole in the middle of it, shaped just like a donut.
A hemorrhoid pillow can also be a more normal pillow, with a softer surface in the center of it to help relieve the pain caused by hemorrhoids. These pillows are most helpful for external hemorrhoids; they will have little to no effect on internal hemorrhoids.
One of the most troublesome effects of hemorrhoids is the intense pain and discomfort that can be caused by even the most basic and mundane of day-to-day activities, including the simple act of sitting.
When the veins and skin around the anus and rectum are irritated due to hemorrhoids, the pressure that is caused simply by sitting down may cause great pain. This is especially true when forced to sit on a hard surface, but even some softer surfaces may still cause discomfort when sitting.
Standing all day is probably neither a desirable nor a practical option to help find relief from hemorrhoid pain, so for those who are forced to sit for large portions of the day, it may be necessary to look into a better way to sit in order to find relief from hemorrhoid pain.
The donut cushion is particularly helpful in giving relief to those who suffer from hemorrhoids. The ring shape enables you to more evenly distribute your weight across your seat, and the round, ergonomic design with the hole in the center of the cushion gives you the ability to rest comfortably without applying pressure to areas that are sensitive or painful due to hemorrhoids.
Although it is not verified, the improved posture and greater comfort that comes from a donut pillow may even help to prevent hemorrhoid flare-ups before they happen; they certainly do not hurt.
Donut pillows for hemorrhoids are available in a variety of sizes and styles, so it shouldn’t be hard to find something to suit your own needs. You can find donut pillows that are normal, stuffed, solid cushions, or you can get inflatable cushions (which is great if you need something a little more portable).
Hemorrhoids are an uncomfortable and irritating condition plaguing many people, but they are not untreatable; nor are hemorrhoids without relief.
As you’ve seen, one of the most common and helpful ways to find relief from hemorrhoid pain is the donut cushion. If you suffer from frequent hemorrhoid flare-ups or even if this is your first time experiencing a case of hemorrhoids, then you might find a donut cushion to be helpful in alleviating the pain.
So if you’re suffering from hemorrhoids, discuss it with your doctor, and as the two of you find the best treatment and relief for your own condition of hemorrhoids, you might find that a donut cushion is the best way to find some fast relief from the pain while waiting for your hemorrhoids to heal.